Catalogue On the Silk Road

Sulla Via della Seta. Antichi sentieri tra Oriente e Occidente.

Embark on a mesmerizing journey along the caravan routes of the Silk Road, from China to Italy, where Medieval history, art, culture and adventures intertwined in the first example of human globalization.


We start in Xi’an, capital of the Tang Empire, and travel across the richest cities in the Asian deserts (Turpan and Samarkand) on the way to Baghdad, the center of Islamic cultural life, finally arriving in Istanbul. Every stop along the journey on the Silk Road is an opportunity to admire a multi-ethnic panorama created by the migrations of knowledge, arts and religious beliefs within the Asian continent. But the Silk Road did not stop at the gates of the Mediterranean. Between the thirteenth and fourteenth century, a single, vast trading system connected Genoa and Venice to the furthest regions of Eurasia to the East. The long route that had crossed Asia for centuries extended all the way to Italy, allowing for a business interlacing that would influence the development of Western civilization forever.


The first part of the book was edited by Mark Norell and Denise Patry Leidy, of the American Museum of National History in New York, in collaboration with Laura Ross. The second part, which explores how the Silk Road reached Europe, was edited by Luca Molà, M. Ludovica Rosati, Alexandra Wetzel, Paola Piacentini and Gabriella Di Flumeri Vatielli.


Sulla Via della Seta. Antichi sentieri tra Oriente e Occidente.

Codice Edizioni

312 pages

ISBN: 978-88-7578-315-0

€ 25,00