Oriental Weaves

major exhibitions series - On the Silk Road

27 October 2012 - 10 March 2013


To tie in with the On the Silk Road exhibition, the Art Workshop will be organising a journey in the exhibition from East to West, on sea and land, in the footsteps of the caravans of people and goods that travelled the silk roads.  We will be exploring different cultures and the trade in objects, ideas and traditions at every staging post.  In the workshop, there is an installation of entangled yarn created by illustrator Vittoria Facchini, the author of Blow by Blow (published by Donzelli editore) - an artist's installation designed to link the thousand-year-old stories of merchants, pilgrims and ambassadors who breathed life into the most fascinating return journey in history.


schools • kindergarten and primary school

tour of the exhibition and activity in workshop

Tuesday to Friday 10.00 am - 11.30 am and 11.30 am - 1.30 pm

admission € 4.00 per child (kindergarten free)

 tour and activity € 80.00 per class group


families • children aged 7 > 11

tour and activity in the exhibition

Sunday 11.00 am - 1.00 pm

activity + admission to the exhibition € 12.00 per child To tie in with the exhibition, the Art Bookshelf will be hosting



Blow by Blow

Threads of wool, silk and cotton are interwoven in illustrator Vittoria Facchini's book and installation to allow us all, kids and adults alike, to weave astonishing coloured stories.


families • children aged 3 > 6 with their parents

Saturday 4.00 pm - 6.00 pm

activity € 8.00 per child


(families) reservation recommended € 1.50 tel. +39.06.39967500 (schools) reservation compulsory tel. +39.848082408