The winners of Shoot it Out

We are pleased to announce the winners of the second edition of the contest SHOOT IT OUT


The film critic Francesco Castelnuovo (Sky Cinema) has assigned

the First Prize to SUB by Jossie Malis Álvarez

Jossie Malis Álvarez ‘s short film has succeeded in linking together the four cardinal points of the suggested path: the cinematographic quality, the narrative originality, the emotional warmth and the accordance to the theme since it reminds us of what it was for the Silk Road’s travelers, the principal hurdle and at the same time, the biggest fascination: the languages’ crossing. SUB, with its futuristic glance, tells us that this voyage is still possible today.


and a Special Mention to WHILE THE TRAIN RUNS di Enrico Parenti.

Enrico Parenti showed the capability in making his movie camera touch the earth, lowering the gaze, making us feel the dust of a new Silk Road represented by the railway and touching the protagonist’s heart that in her struggle for existence next to the railroad advance, resembles Claudia Cardinale in Once Upon a Time in the West.


The Jury composed by Palazzo delle Esposizioni’s members has assigned the Audience Award ex-aequo to

LA BODA di Marina Seresesky and to WHILE THE TRAIN RUNS di Enrico Parenti.


We want to thank all the directors who attended the contest and LA PLACA GROUP and CANON for the precious collaboration.