Activities and workshops

Animated tour of the exhibition for primary schools
From November 26 2024 to March 28 2025, Tuesday to Friday at 11:30 am
Animated tour of the exhibition for children aged 7 to 11
December 15 2024, January 19, February 16 2025, 11:00 am

Francesco Clemente
Anima nomade


Curated by Bartolomeo Pietromarchi

Exhibition promoted by Assessorato alla Cultura di Roma Capitale and Azienda Speciale Palaexpo, produced and organized by Azienda Speciale Palaexpo

Francesco Clemente Anima nomade23 November 2024__30 March 2025
Francesco Clemente, Devil’s Tent, 2013-2014 (detail) Tempera on cotton, embroidery, hand stitching, bamboo poles, wood finials, ropes, iron weights. Collection of the artist Photo. Courtesy Francesco Clemente Studio

Francesco Clemente has devised an exhibition for Palazzo Esposizioni Roma which he has conceived, exceptionally, in the shape of a large installation. The rotunda on the first floor and the seven rooms leading out of it host a series of significant environmental works designed to allow visitors to explore themes and images capable of shining the spotlight on one of Italy’s greatest and most internationally acclaimed artists.

Alongside Tends produced in 2013 and brought together again exceptionally for this occasion, the exhibition showcases his Banners of 2014, while two large rooms are given over entirely to a wall drawing produced by the artist in situ especially for this event.

Francesco Clemente, Devil’s Tent, 2013-2014 (detail)  | Tempera on cotton, embroidery, hand stitching, bamboo poles, wood finials, ropes, iron weights. Collection of the artist. Photo Courtesy Francesco Clemente Studio
Francesco Clemente, Devil’s Tent, 2013-2014 (detail)  | Tempera on cotton, embroidery, hand stitching, bamboo poles, wood finials, ropes, iron weights. Collection of the artist. Photo Courtesy Francesco Clemente Studio

Born in Naples, but a nomad at heart, Francesco Clemente (born in 1952) has devised an exhibition, inspired by the concept of a nomad at heart, encouraging visitors to immerse themselves in the Indian and Orienal tradition that has been one of his primary sources of inspiration from time immemorial and into which he dips in order to breathe life into the very private, intimate sensitivity that is a constant feature of his work.

A vast symbolic and metaphorical vocabulary depicts an all-encompassing aesthetic landscape rich in metaphysical, spiritual and mystical echoes, often bound up with an invariably lyrical and emotional take on erotic love, marked by an intense, unique approach to colour.

The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue containing a vast iconographical apparatus and essays by the curator and by leading international thinkers.

The exhibition is also accompanied by a full programme of collateral events and by a multifaceted educational programme.