Go East!
Travelling the Silk Road on the Silver Screen


produced by the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in conjunction with the Cineteca di Bologna


Join us on our journey of discovery along the Silk Road on the silver screen, as we travel by stages through sprawling metropolises, perilous deserts and impregnable mountain fastnesses - the very places that merchants, pilgrims and soldiers braved in a distant past (and in fact, still do today) to ferry precious merchandise and to trade discoveries and religious beliefs between the distant Orient and Europe.  We'll be calling a halt at the movie theatre in every country we travel through, to see the best of their contemporary film output and to discover, through the critical eye of their major filmmakers, the personal stories and social tensions that populate a geographical area lying at the very heart of many of today's hottest conflicts.  This fascinating journey from Italy to China via the Middle East and central Asia is also a journey through time, from the past to the present, from the experiences of ancient merchants and warriors - the cultural and religious roots of the great oriental civilisations - to the events of today's world, which reflect the burden and the violence that history imposes on the daily lives of ordinary people who often have no option but either to brave the contradictions of their own countries or to seek refuge in an increasingly inhospitable outside world.


Our special gratitude for loaning their copies of the films goes to: BIM Distribuzione, Fandango, Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia-Cineteca Nazionale, Istituto Luce Cinecittà srl, Jolefilm, Lucky Red, Parthénos, Sacher Film. For Marco Polo Reloaded, distributed in Italy by GA&A Productions, our thanks to Rai 5 and to Albatross World Sales GmbH



Palazzo delle Esposizioni - Sala Cinema

Admission via steps in via Milano 9a, Rome


Reservations may be made by membership card holders only

admission free
17 octoberh 21:00
admission free
27 octoberh 18:00
admission free
27 octoberh 21:00
admission free
28 octoberh 18:00