Spot! 20 minutes in a work of art

guided interpretation of a work
for everyone
On the occasion of the exhibition NUMBERS. Everything that counts from zero to infinity, the Art Workshop of Palazzo delle Esposizioni presents Spot!, a date at aperitif time for the guided interpretation of a work.
A three step itinerary to discover numbers, scientific laws and mathematical formulas in the history of art.

Wednesday 5 November at 7 pm
Albrecht Dürer, Melencolia I, 1514
Compasses, a ruler, a magic square, a sphere, a polyhedron. Dense with references to the world of mathematics and alchemy , Melencolia I is one of the most famous engravings by Dürer and one of the most famous in the history of western art. A guided interpretation by Prof. Massimo Moretti, Research Doctor in Historical Science and Research Doctor in Art History, to discover the hidden meanings of this enigmatic composition which some of the greatest historians of 20th century art have tackled.

Wednesday 10 December at 7 pm
Leonardo Pisano (Fibonacci), Liber Abaci, 14th century manuscript
Leonardo Pisano, known as Fibonacci, was one of the most important mathematicians of all time. He was first to introduce the nine Arabic numerals to Europe. But Fibonacci is known above all for the "series" that takes his name, a numerical sequence found in various natural formations which fascinated and still fascinates not only mathematicians but also great artists.

Wednesday 14 January at 7 pm
Anonymous Florentine, Portrait of Girolamo Cardano, 1600-1624
Setting out from an anonymous portrait in the Uffizi in Florence, the story of one of the most extraordinary and controversial figures of the Renaissance whose life blended mathematics, astrology and anthropology.  

Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Via Nazionale, 194 - in front of the work
participation included in the exhibition ticket
you must arrive 15 minutes earlier