Mathematics is an opinion

free meetings-workshop
for kids from 7 upwards, families, teachers, operators
On the occasion of the exhibition NUMBERS. Everything that counts from zero to infinity, the Art Workshop of Palazzo delle Esposizioni presents a proposal between art, mathematics and philosophy. Artists and illustrators show us mathematics under a new guise. Numbers become shapes, they emerge from the pages of the book and invite you to think. Free meetings-workshop to reveal the secrets of the mathematical universe with anecdotes, experiences and images.

Saturday 28 February at 4 pm
Numbers in the head
Meeting-workshop with Alessandro Sanna, author of a book which, in an innovative and playful spirit, explores the world of numbers. Two books in one: on the one hand the numbers make unusual hairstyles on the kids' heads while on the other the numbers "emerge" from the heads, invent figures and enrich the characters by repeating themselves as many times as the numbers they represent.
Alessandro Sanna lives and works in Mantua. Author of illustrated books for children and adults. Teacher of illustrating techniques for publishing at the Fine Arts Academy of Bologna and of illustration at the Palladio Institute of Verona. In 2009 he received the Andersen Prize as best illustrator of the year. With  Fiume lento. Un viaggio lungo il Po he won the Andersen Prize 2014 for the best picture book.

Saturday 28 March at 4 pm
The Ludosofici
Who are you? A book that gives no answers but simply asks questions through the eyes of illustrious personages such as artists, graphic designers, illustrators and obviously philosophers: Socrates, Heraclitus, Deleuze, Nancy.
The Ludosofici organize philosophy workshops for kids, collaborating with museums, festivals, schools and libraries. They do this because they think that kids are greater philosophers than the philosophers themselves, because kids are not ashamed to ask questions. In search of the answers the Ludosofici leave words alone and take inspiration from art, music and films. With them, kids think by doing, making the invisible visible.

Saturday 18 April at 4 pm
Dario Zeruto
A reflection on the "artist's book" and the various categories by which it is known today (book-object, altered book, book-sculpture etc.). During the workshop the participants create a pop-up book, setting out from Fibonacci's numerical sequence, after having experimented with paper folding and intaglio.
Dario Zeruto was born in Havana (Cuba) in 1965. After graduating in Mechanical Engineering he began, self taught, to experiment with textiles, handmade paper and bookbinding. He has held courses and workshops at various educational centres and cultural institutes including the NABA (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti) in Milan, the Elisava Escola Superior de Dissenyi Inginyeria in Barcelona, the MART (Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea) of Trento and Rovereto and the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa.

from 16.00 to 18.00, Forum Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Via Milano 13
admission free
booking from 15 December