Saturday numbers

First appointment: Monday, December 8

Then, every Saturday at 17:30


December 8 / January 3 / February 7
March 7 / April 4 / May 2

Numbers in Love

Math & Art

Using texts and images we will analyze some of the most famous artworks of all times, from Leonardo to Escher, from Piero della Francesca to Balla, in a fascinating trip where we will encounter infinity ribbons and polyhedrons, reflecting spheres and soap bubbles, magic squares and the fourth dimension, perfect architecture, impossible objects and imaginary worlds.


December 13 / January 10 / February 14
March 14 / Aprile 11 /May 16

The House Always Wins

Math & Game

“The probability theory is nothing but common sense reduced to calculation; it allows you to evaluate what enlightened minds already feel, thanks to a sort of instinct, without even realizing it… It is amazing how this science, that started by analyzing gambling, has now been elevated to the most important objects of human knowledge.” –Blaise Pascal

Any type of game, from dice to lottery, places us in front of rational choices: are we sure that our instinct will suggest us the best option? Statistics applied to the Game Theory can explain which are the best strategies. The house won: bad choice or bad luck? Let’s better understand statistics together and dispel some myths.


December 20 / January 24 / February 21
March 21 / April 25 / May 30 

Math Salad

Math & Cuisine

How can you optimize the baking results in a square or rectangular pan? How do you cut a cake in an uneven amount of slices? How can you better manage with the exact measurements of the ingredients? Lets discover together the many ways to apply mathematics in the kitchen!


Info and booking

booking is recommended
06 39967500

Experiments 4 €

Entrance ticket

Full price 12,50 €

reduced price for people under 26 and over 65 years old

The meeting point is at the ticket desk
Palazzo delle Esposizioni,
Via Nazionale, 194 Roma