What is it that makes us what we are?

What is it that makes us what we are?


tour of the exhibition and workshop for schools and families

12 February > 28 May 2017


To mark the exhibition entitled "DNA. The great book of life from Mendel to genomics", the Art Worshop is organising a tour of the exhibition and a workshop to accompany children on a fascinating journey inside the human body and its most microscopic components. This unique occasion offers children the opportunity to reflect on the characteristic features of the human body, which are no chance hodge-podge but a meticulous combination of ingredients written down in our DNA. Who are you? Do you have green eyes, curly hair or an upturned nose? We explore this mysterious formula of genes and combinations to find out how we're really made and what it is that makes each one us unique. Human beings, animals and plants are all forms of life that answer to the same laws. And what is it that makes us different from a machine or a clone?


kindergarten and primary school

Tuesday – Friday at 10.00 am and 11.30 am

activity € 80.00 per class group

admission € 4.00 per child (admission free for kindergarten)

reservations are required: tel. +39.848.08.24.08


families • children aged 7 to 11

Sunday (unless also a public holidary festivi) at 11.00 am

activity € 12.00 per child

reservations are recommended: tel. +39.06.39967500