Food. User Instructions

Food. User Instructions

dynamic tour of the exhibition
from 20 November 2014 to 26 February 2015


On the occasion of the exhibition National Geographic Italia. Food, the future of food, the Palazzo delle Esposizioni Art Workshop offers a dynamic tour of the exhibition in order to reflect on what food is, where it comes from and how we will eat in the future. Food is life, we couldn’t exist without it, but it is also a fundamental element of our culture. Every corner of the planet, from crops to recipes, speaks of the bond between a people and its land. An occasion to discover, through shots by the most celebrated photographers, how the destiny of our planet depends on each one of us.


schools • kindergarten and primary
every Thursday 11.30>13.30
activities € 80,00 per class group, admission €4,00 per child
booking obligatory tel. 848 08 24 08