From sculpture to photography: at the origin, the design
Ottavio Celestino and Giuseppe Gallo
Spazio Fontana - Palazzo delle Esposizioni
Via Milano, 13
Admission free
On the occasion of the issue of the publication dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy - curated by Marimo and presented by the Sottosegretario di Stato per la Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri Paolo Peluffo - will open the exhibition Scintille, from sculpture to photography: at the origin, the design by Ottavio Celestino and Giuseppe Gallo.
The exhibition, set at the impressive Spazio Fontana - Palazzo delle Esposizioni - consists of 12 images, portraiting as many leading characters of the process of national unification. Their effigies, immortalized in stone monuments dedicated to them, were first photographed, then reworked and finally printed.
The association between Ottavio Celestino and Giuseppe Gallo originates from the common need to focus on the artistic process, celebrating the manual skill, the return to a craftmanship dimension, both personal and shared, as well as the circulation of ideas and languages. Using the optical bench, etching on the film, converting the surfaces, they show that it is mainly the gestures that shapes the project. For this reason the artists choose to allow the user to detect all the technical steps of the image's manufacturing process: from the negatives, showed in lightboxes, to the final prints. Celestino and Gallo look back to traditional iconography and techniques in order to recover them in a brand new way: the uncertainty of the result make their works contemporary, since they reveal themselves only at the last step.
The event is organized with the participation of the Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Unità tecnica di Missione per i 150 anni dell'Unità d'Italia.