Uncertainty is a central and essential component of a modern scientific vision of the world, both in social sciences and in so-called “exact” sciences. Our information on the world is in fact the result of observation and measurement which always has a margin of error that can be reduced and evaluated but never entirely eliminated. An increasingly accurate quantitative evaluation of uncertainties is one of the more tangible manifestations of the progress of science, and of our knowledge.
Andrea Brandolini, Deputy Head of the Department of Statistical Economics of the of Banca d’Italia.
Fernando Ferroni, Professor of Phisics at GSSI, researcher at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso.
Patrizia Tavella, Director of the Department Tempo del BIPM – Bureau International des Poids et Mesure.
Entrance ticket to the exhibitions and the meeting: special rate of € 4.00, from 6.00pm, until places last
Palazzo delle Esposizioni - Rotonda
via Nazionale 194