Caravaggio Experience. Workshop

animated tour of the exhibition for schools

starting 3 May


A full immersion in the works of Caravaggio through technology designed to allow us take them apart, break them down, enlarge them and bring them right into the environment we are moving in.  The figures come dramatically and grippingly to life, explaining the masterpieces, the locations and the actions taking place. The Education Services take the children on a mind-boggling journey to discover the work of this 17th century artist through an evocative combination of state-of-the-art tools and atmospheric elements such as music, videos and fragrances.


kindergarten and primary schools
Tuesday to Friday, 10.00 am to 11.00 am, and 11.30 am to 12.30 pm

activity € 70.00 per class group
admission € 4.00 per child

reservations compulsory, tel. +39.848.08.24.08