Our World. National Geographic
6 February - 2 May 2010 Curated by Guglielmo Pepe

February 6 > May 2, 2010
Our World. National Geographic 6 February - 2 May 2010 Curated by Guglielmo Pepe6 February__2 May 2010
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(Our World. National Geographic)
curated by Guglielmo Pepe
6 February - 2 May 2010

What is the "human condition" on our planet right now? What differences and similarities unite and separate populations living thousands of miles apart? What can we learn from pictures of people who live in radically different social, environmental and economic conditions? Photographers have answers to these and other questions in the "Our World" exhibition, National Geographic Italia's third show at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome (following "Water, Air, Fire and Earth" and "Mother Earth").In previous years, we have focused on issues affecting the planet: climate change and its dramatic effects, the wealth and poverty of various peoples, and the struggle for survival undertaken by many species of animals. Human beings are the out-and-out protagonists of this new exhibition. More than ninety photos by top photographers who work for the magazine in Italy and around the globe are divided into several "sections" (children, women, men, and people) to tell the story of the human family distributed across a variety of locations, cities and countries. The achievements of these 48 extraordinary professionals, in images that have not previously appeared in the magazine, take us on a photographic journey through the social, cultural, religious and ethnic contrasts that separate us, and show the great many things that we have in common: joy and innocence, youth and age, stress and tranquillity, toil and work, war and peace... All of these myriad feelings, values, moods and lifestyles reveal just how alike the world's populations and human individuals truly are. Not only do these photographs make it possible for us to see this, they help us understand, share, stand with and feel for our fellow human beings. These pictures focus our gaze on the world. Through good times and bad, they help us feel closer to our fellow man.

Photographers: Lynsey Addario, William Albert Allard, Annie Griffiths Belt, Jonas Bendiksen, James Blair, Alexandra Boulat, Jodi Cobb, Pablo Corral Vega, Meredith Davenport, Peter Essick, Melissa Farlow, Stuart Franklin, Alessandro Gandolfi, Justin Guariglia, David Alan Harvey, Fritz Hoffmann, Chris Johns, Lynn Johnson, Ed Kashi, Ivan Kashinsky, Karen Kasmauski, Tim Laman , Brian Lanker, Gerd Ludwig, Pascal Maitre, Emiliano Mancuso, Steve McCurry, David McLain, Gideon Mendel, Bobby Model , Michael Nichols, Alberto Novelli, Randy Olson, Antonio Politano, Steve Raymer, Nicolas Reynard, Reza, Jim Richardson, Joel Sartore, James L. Stanfield, Maggie Steber, George Steinmetz, Brent Stirton, Tomasz Tomaszewski, Tyrone Turner, Gordon Wiltsie, Kim Wolhuter, Michael Yamashita.

Spazio fontana
via milano 13
Free admission