7 February - 2 April 2001
This exhibition was the last project Mario Giacomelli (Senigallia, 1925 - 2000) worked on, with his intensity and great enthusiasm, and it was the first retrospective devoted to his work. Over 250 images produced between 1953 and 2000 provided comprehensive coverage of his entire creative path.
In line with Giacomelli's wishes, the exhibition was in inverse chronological order, starting with his most recent shots and ending with his early photographs, from the mid 1950s: it was a journey through time, devoted, in turn, to love, passion, and the emotions, but also to grief and suffering. The exhibition documented all the principal photographic series to which the artist devoted his work: Questo ricordo lo vorrei raccontare (I'd like to tell this memory) (1998-2000), Bando (Banishment) (1998-1999), Io sono nessuno (I am nobody) (1994-1995), A Silvia (To Silvia) (1987-1988), Ninna nanna (Lullaby) (1985-1987), Il teatro delle neve (The snow theatre) (1984-1986), Il mare dei miei ricordi (The sea of my memories) (1991-1994), Favola (Fairytale), Caroline Branson (1971-1973), Motivo suggerito dal taglio dell'albero (Motif suggested by chopping down a tree), La buona terra (The good land) (1964-1966), Io non ho mani che mi accarezzino il volto (I don't have hands which caress my face) (1962-1963), Mattatoio (The Slaughterhouse) (1961), Loreto (1959 and 1995), Zingari (Gypsies) (1958), Puglia (1958), Scanno (1957-1959), Lourdes (1957-1959), Presa di coscienza sulla natura (Awareness of nature) (1980-1994), Verrà la morte e avrà i tuoi occhi (Death will come and will have your eyes) (1966-1968), Prime opere (First Works) (1952-1957).
Exhibition curated by Alessandra Mauro.
Catalogo, Photology - Logos Edizioni, Milano - Modena 2001.