Spot! Guggenheim Collection - Bruce Nauman, Live-Taped Video Corridor, 1970

13 april 2012 

The is one of the most famous works by this celebrated American artist from the West Coast, who was one of the first artists to spread his work over film, performance art, installations and environments. Starting in 1968, Nauman produced several different versions of Corridor, all of them structures that the observer can travel through yet all permeated with a sense of claustrophobia. In this version, from the Italian Panza di Biumo collection, two monitors relay the image of the visitor against the backdrop of the corridor. Thus in order to seize that image, the observer has to interact with the work of art (only by moving through it right to the end can he or shee see the monitors' image and experience the difficulty inherent in moving), in order to complete an experience during which he or she does not feel welcomed by the environment so much as challenged by the artist.


the workshop fee is included in the price of admission to the exhibition

meeting point: the rotunda at 7 pm

via Nazionale, 194