Etruria and Rome

5 november 2024 ore 18:30
Irene Berlingò, archeologist specialising in Etruria and Magna Graecia and director at the Ministry of Cultural Goods and Activities and of Tourism (MiBAC)

The extraordinary discoveries made in recent decades in Rome, in the Latin cities and in the Etruscan necropolises have kick-started a lively debate, in truth never fully laid to rest, between the supporters of the literary tradition in the interpretation of archaeological facts and the supporters of the opposite thesis. The intention is therefore to examine the incredibly conservative character of Roman culture itself, in comparison with the Etruscan one. An emblematic case study is provided by the excavations in San Casciano dei Bagni (Siena).


Free admission until all seats with reservations have been filled

Palazzo Esposizioni Roma – Sala Auditorium

Admission via steps in via Milano 9a, Roma

Reservations can be made on the italian version of this page until one hour before the discussion at the latest. If you can't come, remember to cancel your booking from your reserved area on the site, to allow others to participate

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