Anni '70. Spot! 20 minutes in a work of art

guided interpretation

from 15 January 2014 at 7.00 pm


A new edition of Spot!, a rendez-vous at cocktail hour offering a guide to the interpretation of a work of art, has been devised to run concurrently with the 'Seventies. Art in Rome exhibition at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni. It comprises a series of three encounters designed to explore the story of three exhibits in greater depth, and to find out more about the research and work that underpinned and went into what we see today. These three works provide us with the perfect excuse to tell the story of the 'seventies through Rome and its artists, the story of a decade that set the scene for bringing together and experimenting with new and different cultural and artistic trends which, at the same time, reflected what was going on in the broader world outside.

The event is scheduled to commence on Wednesday 15 January and will be conducted by Daniela Lancioni, a senior curator with the Palazzo delle Esposizioni and the curator of the exhibition itself.


Wednesday 15 January 7.00 pm

Sol LeWitt, Wall drawing # 287 - 1976-2013

Produced to coincide with the artist's exhibition at the Sperone gallery in 1976, this wall drawing is a meticulous piece of work that reproduces the combinations of six geometric figures on the wall.  A circle, a triangle, a square, a trapeze, a rectangle and a parallelogram intertwine, meet and separate.  Through the artist's project, the work can be repeatedly reproduced on different walls but is always strong and always topical and very relevant.


Wednesday 29 January 7.00 pm -  POSTPONED TO FEBRUARY 5

Giuseppe Penone, 3.50-metre Tree, 1970

Giuseppe Penone's first Trees date back to 1969.  Each of these works was achieved by removing the bark from a beam, following one of the tree's age rings in order to partially reveal its trunk and branches as they were at a time prior to the moment in which the tree was cut down.


Wednesday 12 February 7.00 pm

Office for Preemptive Immagination

Set up in 1973, the Office for Preemptive Immagination, coordinated by Carlo Maurizio Benveduti, Tullio Catalano with Franco Falasca and Giancarlo Croce, promoted numerous initiatives designed to involve a large number of artists.  Their activity was based on the belief that art can become a lever capable of revolutionising society.



meeting point: in the rotunda at 7.00 pm

Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Via Nazionale 194, Rome

the fee for taking part in the activity is included in the price of admission to the exhibition

please make sure that you get there 15 minutes before the workshop is due to begin