Anni '70. Encounters

The Seventies.  Art in Rome: A First-Hand Account


coordinated by Claudio Zambianchi


18 December 2013 - 27 February 2014


These eight encounters with leading players in art in Rome in the 1970s are designed to allow participants both to explore in greater depth the themes and pathways that criss-cross the exhibition and to tune in to a first-hand account of a fertile and constructive season of art.  Art in Rome in the 'seventies will be discussed both by leading players from that intense era itself and by students of contemporary art from Rome's La Sapienza University - two generations, two different approaches, taking each other's measure.


18 December 2013, 6:30pm

Achille Bonito Oliva

The man who devised the exhibitions on the Vitality of the Negative in Italian Art 1960/70 in 1970-71 and Contemporanea, a milestone retrospective, in 1973-74, as well as being the driving force behind the International Art Encounters founded by Graziella Lonardi Buontempo, Achille Bonito Oliva was one of the key figures of the decade, making one of the most important contributions to redefining the role of the critic and of his field of action.


9 January, 6.30 pm


The artistic career of Salvo, who hails from Sicily but lives in Turin, describes an exemplary curve from an original artistic vocabulary of conceptual origin through to the rediscovery of painting and a reinterpretation of its traditional techniques and iconographies (portraiture, landscape painting, historical painting), initially by adopting the narcissistic common denominator of his own self-portrait.


16 January, 6.30 pm

Sergio Lombardo

The author of a Project for Death by Poisoning in 1970, a work that offers the spectator an emblematic choice between life and death, Sergio Lombardo has devoted a large part of his research to the influence of psychology and of free will on the definition of reality and on the way it is represented through the language of art.


23 January, 6.30 pm

Alberto Boatto. A theme-based exhibition: Ghenos Eros Thanatos

An art critic and an essayist by trade, Alberto Boatti reconstructs the themes and images of the exhibition entitled Ghenos Eros Thanatos that he curated for Rome art gallery La Salita in 1975.  The exhibition included work by some of the most important artists active in the city in the 'seventies, but if offered a different interpretation of their work from the approach fashionable at the time, an interpretation developed in the light of the universal themes of birth, eros and death.


30 January, 6.30 pm

Luca Maria Patella

One of the leading players in Italian conceptual research, Luca Maria Patella imbues his work - characterised by the use of multiple idioms: conferences, books, magazines, actions, videos and photographs - with a medley of themes pertinent to art and science, to psychology and history and to biography or to an unreal and visionary imagination, setting out to probe the limits and potential of the medium.


6 February, 6.30 pm

Nicola Carrino

Nicola Carrino based his design for Transformable Constructives, sectional modules in iron and steel open to "broad collective participation", on the conception of art as a cognitive action and sculpture as a tool for stimulating awareness.  Their transformation is seen by the author as an exercise and an invitation to political commitment and action.


13 February, 6.30 pm

Fabio Sargentini. When we were poor and happy

A leading player in the art and culture of the international avant-garde, Fabio Sargentini turned his gallery, L'Attico, into a workshop of the most vital forms of artistic expression of the decade, frequently transforming it into a venue for hosting a happening, an action or a performance.  He grafted contemporary American dance and music onto Italian visual culture, devoting numerous spectacular initiatives to both. 


20 February, 6.30 pm

Gianfranco Baruchello

Gianfranco Baruchello's work is characterised by a form of experimentation focusing not only on painting or on three-dimensional work but also on the cinema, on installations and on assemblage, along with such heterodox artistic practices as farming, for example.


27 February, 6.30 pm

Tommaso Trini

A theoretician and an art critic by trade, Tommaso Trini is responsible for a number of meticulous and enlightening interpretations of the art and artists that marked the decade.  He was the man who first dreamt up DATA magazine, both a faithful documentary testimony and a fertile workshop of critiques and of ideas, which he edited in conjunction with Ciacia Nicastro and published from 1971 to 1978.



Palazzo delle Esposizioni - Sala Cinema

Admission via steps in via Milano 9a, Rome


Reservations may be made by membership card holders only