Laboratorio d'arte De Chirico
for children and teenagers The Silent Nature of Objects from 9 April through 11 July 2010 Running concurrently with the "Nature According to De Chirico", the Educational Services - Art Workshop offers different opportunities for different age groups in an effort to familiarize young people in particular with the language of art

Laboratorio d'arte De Chirico for children and teenagers The Silent Nature of Objects from 9 April through 11 July 2010 Running concurrently with the "Nature According to De Chirico", the Educational Services - Art Workshop offers different opportunities for different age groups in an effort to familiarize young people in particular with the language of art-
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Running concurrently with the "Nature According to De Chirico", the Educational Services - Art Workshop offers different opportunities for different age groups in an effort to familiarize young people in particular with the language of art. Advanced educational strategies suggest that children tend to verify their discoveries is in the workshop. The whole family is invited on Saturday and Sunday, while kindergarten and primary schools take precedence during the week. Activities are split into two parts:  a tour of the exhibition triggers an immediate response and an original interpretation through a direct encounter with the works of art; the workshop experience emphasizes the crucial role of dynamic personal creativity, allowing children to experiment with different artistic languages and change their view of the world.

tour of the exhibition and workshop for children aged 7 to 11
The Silent Nature of Objects
from 9 April through 11 July 2010

A glove, a biscuit, a tower, set squares, a reel of thread... de Chirico paints silent lives, objects that are motionless and soundless. The painter felt that every object had two aspects:  one visible, the other unexpected. Behind their reassuring outer semblance they conceal a disturbing ambiguity. This is a journey to allow children to meet the man and the artist, the anecdotes and the techniques. Caught midway between dreams and mystery, children can experience the silence that permeates his enigmatic work and get immersed in his suspended atmospheres. The workshop provides items for them to compose in a setting, offering a fresh, metaphysical take on everyday run-of-the-mill objects.

FAMILIES - for children aged 7 to 11
every Sunday from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm
workshop + admission € 12.00 per child
special inclusive workshop ticket Palazzo delle Esposizioni + € 18.00

family offer workshop + admission € 10.00 per child - admission € 7.50 per adult (max 2 people)

SCHOOLS - for Kindergarten and primary school
Tuesday to Friday at 10.00 am and 11:30 am
admission € 4.00 per student (free for kindergarten classes)
activities € 80.00 per class group 

call: +39.06.39967.500, Monday through Friday from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm; Saturday from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm