Catalogo de Chirico

Nature According to Giorgio De Chirico
by Achille Bonito Oliva

size: 30 x 28 cm
296 pages
250 illustrations
Price at the exhibition bookshop: 35.00 €
Price in other bookshops: 49.00 €

The book, published by 24 ORE Cultura - Gruppo 24 ORE under the curatorship of Achille Bonito Oliva, in the frame of 2008-2009 De Chirico's celebration, is an important tribute to the great Italian master amongst the founders of the Metaphysic, the most significant cultural movement of the 20th Century.
This volume focuses on the relationship between De Chirico's art and the physic and philosophic concept of Natural; a relationship that underlies the whole production of the artist, from the symbolist beginning to the neo-metaphysic regressions of his last few years.
The look at Natural never comes to naturalistic solutions but rather generates an incessant questioning attitude. Nature, understood as an ordered cosmos, pretends answer from the painter concerning a possible solution to the enigma of the way Nature itself appears.
There is not an other artist who voluntarily created this kind of special effects, there is not another painter who was so smart in the use of irony, or so great in masking the truth. There is no one who was able to represent the disquiet of existence and of the meaning of art as De Chirico was. There is not another artistic movement, style or tradition that can contain or limit the personality of Giorgio De Chirico.
"Total overview and capacity of keeping particular appear incessantly in De Chirico's iconographic production, as an osmosis that does not search formal balance but chase the simultaneous coexistence of both possibilities Depth and surface have the same visual presence, as if one force is able to identify at the same time visible and invisible, taking them to a place dominated by epiphany-like revelations, where image lies ." Achille Bonito Oliva