Roberto Santillo | The Art of Pixar: a journey before animation even gets off the ground

8 november 2018 
admission free

A film is always the result of intense work on the part of costumiers, set designers, make-up artists, electricians, directors of photography and, of course, actors. People who "enter" the picture in the first person become part of the film in their turn, but in a totally virtual world like a Pixar movie, things are a bit different. The computer is the means through which everything has to be expressed. Nothing is already there, waiting inside it: no actors, no sets, no extras, not even the laws of physics. "You'll find nothing for free in your computer," the people at Pixar are fond of reminding their crews. Each moment has to be masterfully conjured up and imagined well before the computer is even switched on. That is the magic of an animated movie that we shall discover together.


admission free

Sala Cinema

Admission via steps in via Milano 9a

lectures on Pixar animation