From dust grains to life - a journey among stars and planets

20 december 2023 
with Ilaria Musella, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte and Serena Benatti, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Palermo

Scientific aperitifs with Ilaria Musella, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte and Serena Benatti, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Palermo

How are stars and planets born? How do they evolve over time and what are the ingredients needed to form a planetary system? How do we study and learn about them? These are just some of the questions we will try to answer with this two-voice dialogue, a path to reconstruct in less than an hour millions or even billions of years of changes that occur inside the stars and their surroundings.


Admission free while places last

Caffè delle Esposizioni

via Nazionale 194a and via Milano 13

Talks, scientific aperitifs, shows
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