Subterranean Rome

22 october 2024 ore 18:30
Ivana Della Portella, Vicepresident of Azienda Speciale Palaexpo

In the belly of Rome there is a maze of underground rooms and recesses that tells a story in an apparently subdued tone. They are mithraeums, columbaria, warehouses, barracks, hypogea and syncretistic sanctuaries.

This "Rome below" is made up of everyday activities and of a life that lies buried and mostly ignored. Nevertheless, it reveals doubts and questions about everyday reality, about the immediate necessities, about the needs and banalities of a civilization, which is not only the stentorian and high-sounding one of the Forums and the great temples.

Descending those stairs and penetrating those dark recesses is a dive into the past, a way to open the doors to history, to the experience of many years ago. Those men speak to us from their frescoed walls, their stuccoes, their eroded rooms. They tell us about their rituals, their beliefs, how they ate, how they played...

Thus, as if from the residue of memory, the echoes of a buried civilization resurface, submerged by the centuries’ greedy blanket of earth.



Free admission until all seats with reservations have been filled

Palazzo Esposizioni Roma – Sala Auditorium

Admission via steps in via Milano 9a, Roma

Reservations can be made on the italian version of this page until one hour before the discussion at the latest. If you can't come, remember to cancel your booking from your reserved area on the site, to allow others to participate

Tales of art in Rome