Arrays of Cherenkov telescopes: how to observe the most energetic photons from Earth

24 january 2024 
with Angelo Antonelli, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Rome, and Anna Wolter, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Brera

Scientific aperitifs with Angelo Antonelli, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Rome, and Anna Wolter, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Brera

Cherenkov telescopes use our atmosphere as a detector to collect the light emitted by the most powerful and extreme events in the Universe, such as explosions and collisions of stars, stellar winds and jets launched by supermassive black holes. Two new projects under construction are taking this science to the next level, using the combined gaze of arrays of telescopes. The ASTRI project, led by INAF, has begun the construction of an array of nine telescopes in Tenerife and is a precursor of the small telescopes that will be part, together with medium and large telescopes, of the international Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) project, as well 60 telescopes in two observation sites, one in the northern hemisphere (Canary Islands) and one in the southern hemisphere (Chile). CTAO will be the largest ground-based gamma-ray observatory, with unprecedented precision and energy range. A two-way dialogue will accompany you in discovering these ambitious projects.


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via Nazionale 194a and via Milano 13

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