T Zero, based on a tale by Italo Calvino published in 1967, is a mathematical notation used to indicate the first moment at which one begins to observe a phenomenon, a moment of stasis fixed in time and space that opens up to endless possibilities. This dimension turns out to be a privileged viewpoint in which knowledge and imagination can converge. The thirty Italian and international artists involved in the exhibition have based their research path on the exchange, dialogue and interaction between these two environments.
Several of the most celebrated players on the contemporary art scene such as come Tacita Dean, Agnes Denes, Antony Gormley, Pierre Huyghe, Ryoji Ikeda, Carsten Nicolai, Roman Ondak, Giuseppe Penone, Rúrí and Sissel Tolaas dialogue with a selection of artists of a younger generation including Hicham Berrada, Tega Brain, Dora Budor, Revital Cohen, Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg, Adelita Husni-Bey, Christian Mio Loclair, Daniel Steegman Mangrané, Richard Mosse, Rachel Rose, Jenna Sutela, Troika and Tuur van Balen, and with a number of famous artists of the past such as Alighiero Boetti, Gino De Dominicis, Albrecht Dürer, Nancy Holt and Robert Smithson, Channa Horwitz, Gustav Metzger, Roman Opałka and Rudolf Steiner.