The website of the exhibition's international project


Pier Paolo Pasolini came to Rome with his mother on 28 January 1950.  They had had to leave their home in Casarsa and it was a moment of intense poverty, yet Pasolini still in love with the city all the same:  "Rome is divine", he would say.  He found a city inhabited by a lumpenproletariat living in wretched slums known as the "borgate", but at the same time he discovered a new vocabulary and its sub-culture, its violence and its vitality.  This new world was to become the primary source of inspiration for his writing and film-making for a number of years.
To follow in Pasolini's footsteps in Rome is to travel right to the very heart of what makes and defines this city:  friendship, politics, love, sex and the cinema.
With these fifty emblematic dates and addresses from Pasolini's Rome, you can discover the man, his passionate encounters, his political disappointments, his loves, his radical take on life and his moments of rupture and flight.  Let yourselves be led by the hand through the locations of Mamma Roma and Accattone, or recognise the hidden alleys of I Ragazzi di Vita, as you visit Rome and its suburban "borgate" through the poet's own eyes.