Roberto Ferri biography

Roberto Ferri, artist from the city of Taranto, known in Italy and abroad for his paintings concerning sacred and profane themes, is inspired by Baroque painting - Caravaggio in particular -  by some masters of Romanticism, Academicism, Symbolism including Ingres, David, Gericault but also by Surrealist painters. He graduated with honours (cum laude) from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome in 2011, participated in the 54th Edition of the Venice Biennale, Italy Pavilion, with his painting "Redemption" and in 2012 he took part in the collective exhibition organised within the Fabbri Award for the Arts, "A century and 7",  held at the National Library in Bologna and at the Alinari Museum in Florence.

His works have been exhibited at the Italian Cultural Institute in London, at the Vittoriano Complex in Rome, at  Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, at Palazzo dei Priori in Viterbo, at Sismondo Castle and Palazzo del Podestà in Rimini and in other private collections in Paris, Menerbes in the residency of Picasso and Dora Maar, New York, Barcelona, Miami, Madrid, Milan, Boston, Dublin, Texas and New Mexico.

Vittorio Sgarbi  describes him as:" A phenomenon, admirable like an ancient painter and even more. Here we find ourselves, facing ancient paintings surprisingly modern, apparently academic yet transgressive. Thus, he determines a Borges- like effect: he asks and obtains astonishment, and paints, today, ancient paintings: when we face his works we are not able to tell in which epoch we are".