Homo sapiens Laboratorio d'arte

Homo sapiens. La grande storia della diversità umana
11 November 2011 - 12 February 2012

visit and workshop
The history of humanity in time and space, from the disappearance of the dinosaurs to the evolution of man. At the exhibition you'll follow the traces of the planetary migrations that generated a mosaic of ethnic and cultural diversities. In the workshop you'll discover the origins of the human species and link up the threads of our history between genetics, peoples and languages.

kindergarten and primary
from Tuesday to Friday 11.30-13.30
admission € 4,00 per child
kindergartens free
activities € 80,00 per class group
booking obligatory tel. 06 39967200

classes taking part in two workshops at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni and at the pay the special rate of 70,00 euros per class group

kids 7>11 years old
Sunday from 11.00 to 13.00
activities + admission to exhibition € 12,00 per child
booking advised € 1,50 tel. 06 39967500