Catalogo Mimmo Jodice

Mimmo Jodice
by Ida Gianelli and Daniela Lancioni

Size: 28x28 cms
Pages: 320
Illustrations: 220, black and white
Price at the exhibition bookshop: 44.00 € 
Price in other bookshops: 60.00 €

The book, published by 24 ORE Cultura - Gruppo 24 ORE, presents a selection of 180 photographs in black and white, realized by Mimmo Jodice, one of the greatest masters of Italian photography. His works are largely acclaimed, as testified also by the important awards he has received during his career.

The monographic exhibition dedicated to this artist is a decisive event aiming to trace back Jodice's entire artistic career, focusing on his main turning points: The Season of Experimentation (1965‐1970), when Jodice's artistic code takes form. The years of the Social Commitment (1970‐ 1980), when Jodice discovers the public side of photography, its being deep‐rooted in the concrete and disheartening reality of Naples, his native city. The Mediterranean and the Reflection on its Places (from 1980 up today), that is to say, the "metaphysic" season of Jodice's art, a phase that he loves to refer to as the "empty scene", where sounds, voices and the presences of the Mediterranean city and its human settings disappears, leaving a wide and deep silence, a sort of unreal world, that reaches the dimensions of memory and dream. Eden and the Reflection on Things, from 1990 up today.

The catalogue starts with an interview by the curator, followed by a series of photographic sections, each of those with a text explaining the reasons behind his most intimate whish to represent a part of the history of Italian photography of the last forty years.