Darwinian Encounters of a Certain Kind

farfallaDarwinian Encounters of a Certain Kind
12 February - 22 April 2009
curated by Codice. Idee per la cultura

Who was Darwin and why has his theory revolutionized our lives?  The Palazzo delle Esposizioni has invited some highly qualified guest speakers to answer the questions and satisfy the curiosity that the most incredible discovery of the modern era continues to arouse even today.  A tribute to the man and the scientist who changed our view of nature and of mankind's place in the world for ever, the conferences, to which admission is free, will host a different speaker each week to address some of the many mysterious facets of evolution.
The encounters are in italian.

entry via the stairs in via Milano, 9A
free admission

12 February at 9:00 p.m.
Patrizio Roversi in The Accidental Evolution - Looking for Darwin
conference-cum show with Gabriele Gentile, Valerio Sbordoni and Telmo Pievani
The star of the popular TV series takes a live look at Darwin's exploration of the seas off the coast of South America.

13 February at 9:00 p.m.
Darwin's Last Journey
Pre-première screening curated by the National Geographic Channel.
The guru of new experimental science, Armand Leroi, takes us on the unforgettable trip that inspired Darwin's revolutionary work.

18 February at 6:30 p.m.
Lella Costa reads A Darwinian Prayer by Michele Luzzatto.
One of Italy's most sensitive actresses reads a moving text focusing on the moral debate on evolution.

25 February at 6:30 p.m.
Giulio Barsanti, Man Must Be Given a Shirt (an Anthropological Anthology). 
With Barbara Continenza and Carmela Morabito.
Man and other apes in the thinking, the scorn and the hallucinations of literary figures, philosophers and naturalists.

4 March at 6:30 p.m.
Enrico Alleva, Urban Animals.  Introduced by Marco Cattaneo
A leading expert in animal behavior takes an in-depth look at the relationship between ethics and altruism.

11 March at 6:30 p.m.
Giorgio Manzi, Human Evolution, a Story in the Plural
An extraordinary lecture on our remote past, from man-shaped apes to our conquest of the world.

18 March at 6:30 p.m.
Elisabetta Visalberghi, Apes:  An (in)Convenient Mirror
Doubts are cast on man's authenticity by the sensational discovery of a group of apes that use stones as tools.

25 March at 6:30 p.m.
Alessandra Attanasio and Emanuele Coco, There Are More Ways Than One of Being a Darwinian
Nature vs. culture, in a conversation between a lady philosopher and an ethologist who is passionate about Shakespeare.

1 April at 6:30 p.m.
David Kohn, The Darwin You Never Expected
Introduced by Giorgio Narducci
The construction of the theory of evolution, with a fascinating peek at the great scientist's human side.

8 April at 6:30 p.m.
Olga Rickards and Gianfranco Biondi, The Darwin Code
Two leading anthropologists and the controversy over our origins:  do chimpanzees belong to our genus?

15 April at 18:30
Orlando Franceschelli and Mario De Caro, Nature After Darwin
A conversation between philosophers, from Greek philosophy to the modern view of the world as a natural rather than a divine process.

22 April at 6.30 p.m.
Guido Barbujani, I'm a Racist But I'm Trying To Quit
With Patrizio Roversi
The concept of race, which has been one of man's obsessions since antiquity, is contradicted by recent discoveries in the field of genetics.