La Scienza di Roma | curators biographies


Fabrizio Rufo is associate professor of moral philosophy at Rome's La Sapienza University – Department of Environmental Biology, where he teaches bioethics. His area of research is chiefly concerned with the relationship between science and society. In 2017 he co-curated the exhibition Dna - Il grande libro della vita da Mendel alla genomica. His most recent publications include: Etica in laboratorio (Donzelli, 2017); Il codice della vita. Una storia della genetica tra scienza e bioetica (Donzelli, 2017), co-authored with Bernardino Fantini; and Scienziati, Politici, Cittadini (Ediesse, 2014). He has also edited: Il valore democratico della conoscenza (Ediesse, 2019) and La salute è un diritto (Ediesse, 2020)


Stefano Papi is a science communicator. A palaeontologist, he has been focusing for years on the communication and teaching of science in the context of museums and exhibitions. He curated the exhibition “In Principio. Dalla nascita dell’universo all’origine dell’arte” at the Broletto in Novara town hall and he has cooperated in the role of scientific coordinator on such major international exhibitions as “Homo sapiens” and “DNA” at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome and “Le Piante e l’Uomo” at the Orto Botanico in Padua. He has lectured in various degree and postgraduate courses in teaching and communicating science. He is the managing partner of the Associazione Didattica Museale and ADMaiora, two of Italy's most important bodies for teaching and communicating science.