Hugo Pratt's Malaysia, Vittorio Giardino's Prague, Marjane Satrapi's Iran, David Polonksy's Lebanon
Curated by Ugo G. Caruso, Alessandra Mauro, Antonio Politano

24 September - 25 October 2009
free entrance - via Milano 13

A journey through comics and photographs, based on an idea by Antonio Politano, of the places connected with authors and characters of the "drawn literature", realized in collaboration with Rizzoli Lizard, Contrasto and Magnum Photos.
Four illustrators. Two of them, Hugo Pratt and Vittorio Giardino, are among the greatest masters of comics in Italy. And two new authors from the international scene, the Iranian Marjane Strapi and the Israeli David Polonsky. Pratt with pictures from his Sandokan (an unpublished work realized in 1969, which was lost and only recently found, first published in 2009). Giardino with more than 30 original plates dedicated to his character Jonas Fink. Satrapi with plates from her celebrated graphic novel Persepolis (turned into a film in 2008). And David Polonsky, author together with Ari Folman of the award-winning film Walzer with Bashir, will be present with plates from the graphic novel realized after the movie.
Six photographers of Magnum Photos. The Iran pictures by Abbas accompany Satrapi's plates. The Lebanon photographed by Paolo Pellegrin shows alongside with David Polonsky's plates. René Burri's photographs of Prague in the '50 and Ian Berrys' photographs of the Prague Spring in 1968 stand beside the works of Giardino. Photographs of Malaysia people and nature, by Stuart Franklin and Jean Gaumy, show together with Pratt's plates.

Thursday 24 September 2009, 6.30 pm
On the occasion of the vernissage, talk on Emilio Salgari and Hugo Pratt led by Ugo G. Caruso. With Alfredo Castelli, comics author, Simone Romani, Rizzoli Lizard editor, Carlo Bazan and Corinne D'Angelo, experts of Salgari.

Wednesday 30 September 2009, 6.00 pm
Talking with the author. Interview with Vittorio Giardino by Ugo G. Caruso.

Home page 
Il Valzer di Praga © Vittorio Giardino

On this page
Jonas Fink, L'infanzia © Vittorio Giardino
Kuala Selengor Malaysia, 1990, Jean Gaumy © Magnum Photos

Drawing the World

September 24 > October 25, 2009
Drawing the World 24 September__25 October 2009
Hugo Pratt's Malaysia, Vittorio Giardino's Prague, Marjane Satrapi's Iran, David Polonksy's Lebanon
Curated by Ugo G. Caruso, Alessandra Mauro, Antonio Politano

free entrance - via Milano 13

A journey through comics and photographs, based on an idea by Antonio Politano, of the places connected with authors and characters of the "drawn literature", realized in collaboration with Rizzoli Lizard, Contrasto and Magnum Photos.
Four illustrators. Two of them, Hugo Pratt and Vittorio Giardino, are among the greatest masters of comics in Italy. And two new authors from the international scene, the Iranian Marjane Strapi and the Israeli David Polonsky. Pratt with pictures from his Sandokan (an unpublished work realized in 1969, which was lost and only recently found, first published in 2009). Giardino with more than 30 original plates dedicated to his character Jonas Fink. Satrapi with plates from her celebrated graphic novel Persepolis (turned into a film in 2008). And David Polonsky, author together with Ari Folman of the award-winning film Walzer with Bashir, will be present with plates from the graphic novel realized after the movie.
Six photographers of Magnum Photos. The Iran pictures by Abbas accompany Satrapi's plates. The Lebanon photographed by Paolo Pellegrin shows alongside with David Polonsky's plates. René Burri's photographs of Prague in the '50 and Ian Berrys' photographs of the Prague Spring in 1968 stand beside the works of Giardino. Photographs of Malaysia people and nature, by Stuart Franklin and Jean Gaumy, show together with Pratt's plates.

Thursday 24 September 2009, 6.30 pm
On the occasion of the vernissage, talk on Emilio Salgari and Hugo Pratt led by Ugo G. Caruso. With Alfredo Castelli, comics author, Simone Romani, Rizzoli Lizard editor, Carlo Bazan and Corinne D'Angelo, experts of Salgari.

Wednesday 30 September 2009, 6.00 pm
Talking with the author. Interview with Vittorio Giardino by Ugo G. Caruso.

Home page 
Il Valzer di Praga © Vittorio Giardino

On this page
Jonas Fink, L'infanzia © Vittorio Giardino
Kuala Selengor Malaysia, 1990, Jean Gaumy © Magnum Photos