This stolen country of mine

9 october 2022 
admission free while places last; reservations are required

directed by Marc Wiese, Germany, Ecuador, 2022, 93 min., original version with Italian subtitles

China has an insatiable thirst for natural resources and it has operated aggressively over the past decade to exploit the resources of Ecuador, the Latin American country that has currently contracted the highest number of debts with the Asian Giant. Paúl Jarrín Mosquera leads the native resistance against the exploitation of his country, while Chinese diplomacy is using the Ecuadorian Government to turn the country into a new colony, after making it dependent on credit through a series of unsustainable treaties. When journalist Fernando Villavicencio unveiled this plotting and gained access to the contracts between the two countries, the government sought to silence him too. Both men are fighting for freedom against a superpower and against corruption.



Marc Wiese, who was born in Dortmund nel 1966, has been making documentaries for 25 years and is a member of the German Federal Directors’ Association. He has worked in many theatres of conflict throughout the world and has won numerous international awards for his films, including Kanun, Picture of Napalm Girl, Camp 14 and We Hold the Line (Global broadcasts 2020–1).


ADMISSION FREE WHILE PLACES LAST; RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED You may reserve your place on line from 9.00 am the day before the performance until one hour before the event, on If you can't come, please remember to cancel your reservation in your private area on the website so that someone else can take your place. Please show up at the door at least 10 minutes before the event starts, otherwise your reservation will no longer be considered valid and your place will be given to the next person in line waiting at the door.

Sala Cinema

Admission via the steps in Via Milano 9a