
October 23, 2009 > February 14, 2010
Calder 23 October 2009__14 February 2010
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Curated by Alexander S. C. Rower

The City of Rome is to devote its first ever major exhibition to Alexander Calder. The exhibition is being organized by the Azienda Speciale Palaexpo to celebrate the famous US artist born in Lawnton, Pennsylvania, in 1898 and who died in New York in 1976. His Mobiles are some of the modern era's most celebrated icons. Exuberance, happiness, vigor and a strong and lively sense of humor are features James J. Sweeney already attributed to Calder in the catalogue of a retrospective held at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1943. This was the exhibition that raised Calder to the level of one of the leading artists of the day. After majoring in engineering, being awarded a diploma at the Art Students' League in New York and immersing himself fully in the Parisian Avant-Garde movement in the twenties, Calder went on in the following decade to produce his first Mobiles, as Marcel Duchamp was to christen them.  In these sculptures, which were to become enormously popular, the artist harmonically fused shape, color and movement into an essential whole, which he himself saw as a "universe" where "each element can move, shift and oscillate back and forth in a changing relationship with each of the other elements".

The exhibition at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni- over 100 works from major public and private collections and the Calder Foundation itself - is set out in the form of a chronological journey designed to explore the artist's entire creative cycle starting in the twenties. A large selection of his most important works will be on display, including some of the sculptures that were shown at the 1943 exhibition at the MoMa. The exhibition will also be taking a look at some of the lesser known aspects of his work, with groups of works that are rarely on display to the general public. The exhibition opens with his wire sculptures of acrobats, animals and portraits, most of which were created in Paris in the twenties. They include his first attempts to portray movement in a playful and wryly ironic mood.

A lesser known series of small bronze figures produced in 1930 showing contorsionists and acrobats will allow the visitor to see how the artist resorted to different techniques to experiment in expressing the notion of movement. An important selection of works also illustrates the way in which Calder wholeheartedly embraced the Abstract movement after paying a visit to Mondrian's studio in Paris. The visitor will also be able to track Calder's surrealist vein and his interest in biomorphic shapes through a series of masterpieces produced in the mid-thirties including: Gibraltar, Tightrope, Yellow Panel and Orange Panel, all completed in 1936.

The exhibition will be built around the Mobiles that the artist produced throughout his career, working industrial metal plates using a craftsman's technique.  Throughout the exhibition, visitors will be able to admire a selection of the most representative pieces from different periods: Arc of Petals, 1941; Cascading Flowers, 1949; Le 31 Janvier, 1950; and The Y, 1960. The exhibition will also be hosting a significant selection of Stabiles, free-standing sculptures that were given their name by Hans Arp. The Stabiles on display will range from those produced in the mid-thirties, such as Black Beast and Hollow Egg (dated 1939), right up to the more recent Cactus, dated 1959, and La Grande Vitesse created in 1969. The exhibition will also be exploring the chronological development of Calder's painting, a branch of his art in which the artist resorted principally to the agile and dynamic method of gouache on paper. The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalogue published by Motta, with contributions from Alexander S. C. Rower and Giovanni Carandente as well as a broad anthology of texts by the artist himself and other authors, many of whose works will be appearing in Italian translation for the first time.