Paolo Gioli: Photographs, Paintings, Graphics and Films
(Paolo Gioli: Fotografie, dipinti, grafica, film)

17 January – 28 February 1996

Emanuele Luzzati: The Figures on the Magic Pot
(Emanuele Luzzati: Le figure del pentolino magico)

19 January – 19 February 1996

Ulysses: The Myth and the Memory
(Ulisse: Il mito e la memoria)

22 February – 22 September 1996

Gunter Sachs, Photographer
(Gunter Sachs, fotografo)

27 January – 5 February 1996

Brioni: 50 Years of Style
(Brioni: 50 anni di stile)

29 January 1996

Yoko Ono: The Yoko Ono Film Festival. Smile Event (Projected Artists Exhibit – Objective: Rome)
(Rassegna Projected artists - Obiettivo: Roma)

15-17 February 1996

Hans Stoltenberg Lerche (1865-1920): Sculpture, Drawings, Glassware, Ceramics
(Hans Stoltenberg Lerche (1865-1920): Sculture, disegni, vetri, ceramiche)

23 February – 30 March 1996

Messengers of the Gods: Contemporary Greek Artists
(Messaggeri degli dei: Artisti greci contemporanei)

8 March – 22 April 1996

Gods and Heroes: Classicism and Myth, 1800-1900
(Dei ed Eroi: Classicità e mito fra ‘800 e ‘900)

15 March – 30 May 1996

The ‘Estate Romana’ (Roman Summer) 1996: Studies and Research to Create an Image
(Estate Romana 1996: Studi e ricerche per un’immagine)

27-29 March 1996

New Pop: American Illustration in America
(New Pop: Illustrazione americana)

4 April – 6 May 1996

Ferlinghetti: The Poet as Painter. Paintings from 1959 to 1996
(Ferlinghetti: The poet as Painter. Dipinti dal 1959 al 1996)

17 May – 30 June 1996

Marlene Dietrich: The Angel’s Flight. Marlene Dietrich’s collection in Berlin
(Marlene Dietrich: Il volo dell’angelo. La collezione Marlene Dietrich di Berlino)

29 May – 26 August 1996

De-Composition: Constructed Photography from Britain (British Waves: UK Today Exhibit: The New English Scene 2)
(La nuova scena inglese 2)

17 June – 8 July 1996

Paris Canaille: Paris and its Songs, 1860-1960
(Paris canaille: Parigi e la canzone 1860-1960

26 June – 14 July 1996

Hermann Nitsch : Das Orgien Mysterien Theatre
4 July – 19 August 1996

‘Gattabuismo’: Futurism, Dadaism and Surrealism Seen from Rebibbia
(Gattabuismo: Futurismo, Dadaismo e Surrealismo visti da Rebibbia)

11 July – 30 September 1996

Rome As A Work in Progress: Plans and Designs for Urban Renewal
(La Fabbrica di Roma: Piani e progetti per il rinnovamento urbano)

26 July – 26 August 1996

New Acquisitions and Donations to the City Museums: 1986-1996
(Acquisti e doni nei Musei Comunali: 1986-1996

11 September – 21 October 1996

The 12th Quadrennial: Italy, 1950-1990, The Latest Generations
(XII Quadriennale. Italia 1950-1990: Ultime generazioni)

25 September – 25 November 1996

His Residences: Teatro Valdoca – Cesare Ronconi: Video Installation, Guido Guidi: Photos
(Sue dimore: Teatro Valdoca – Cesare Ronconi: Installazione video – Guido Guidi – Foto)

2 – 7 October 1996

Mirella Bentivoglio: From the Word to the Symbol
(Mirella Bentivoglio: Dalla parola al simbolo)

10 – 28 October 1996

Memories of 20th-century Italian Literature: Writings, Images, Voices
(Memorie del ‘900 Letterario italiano: Scritture, immagini, voci)

30 October – 18 November 1996

Alberto Burri: Works 1945-1990
(Alberto Burri: Opere 1944-1995)

9 November – 15 January 1997

Dario Coletti: The Basaglia Law No. 180, Photographs
(Dario Coletti: 180 Basaglia, Fotografie)

2 – 9 November 1996

Mission: Childhood.: UNICEF: 50 Years on the Children’s Side
(Obiettivo Infanzia: UNICEF 50 anni dalla parte dei bambini)

5 December 1996 – 6 January 1997

Oh Divine Music: Songs and History in a Hundred Years of Italy
(Tu Musica Divina: Canzoni e storia in cento anni d’Italia)

19 December 1996 – 17 March 1997


January 1 > December 31, 1996
1996 1 January__31 December 1996

Paolo Gioli: Photographs, Paintings, Graphics and Films
(Paolo Gioli: Fotografie, dipinti, grafica, film)

17 January – 28 February 1996

Emanuele Luzzati: The Figures on the Magic Pot
(Emanuele Luzzati: Le figure del pentolino magico)

19 January – 19 February 1996

Ulysses: The Myth and the Memory
(Ulisse: Il mito e la memoria)

22 February – 22 September 1996

Gunter Sachs, Photographer
(Gunter Sachs, fotografo)

27 January – 5 February 1996

Brioni: 50 Years of Style
(Brioni: 50 anni di stile)

29 January 1996

Yoko Ono: The Yoko Ono Film Festival. Smile Event (Projected Artists Exhibit – Objective: Rome)
(Rassegna Projected artists - Obiettivo: Roma)

15-17 February 1996

Hans Stoltenberg Lerche (1865-1920): Sculpture, Drawings, Glassware, Ceramics
(Hans Stoltenberg Lerche (1865-1920): Sculture, disegni, vetri, ceramiche)

23 February – 30 March 1996

Messengers of the Gods: Contemporary Greek Artists
(Messaggeri degli dei: Artisti greci contemporanei)

8 March – 22 April 1996

Gods and Heroes: Classicism and Myth, 1800-1900
(Dei ed Eroi: Classicità e mito fra ‘800 e ‘900)

15 March – 30 May 1996

The ‘Estate Romana’ (Roman Summer) 1996: Studies and Research to Create an Image
(Estate Romana 1996: Studi e ricerche per un’immagine)

27-29 March 1996

New Pop: American Illustration in America
(New Pop: Illustrazione americana)

4 April – 6 May 1996

Ferlinghetti: The Poet as Painter. Paintings from 1959 to 1996
(Ferlinghetti: The poet as Painter. Dipinti dal 1959 al 1996)

17 May – 30 June 1996

Marlene Dietrich: The Angel’s Flight. Marlene Dietrich’s collection in Berlin
(Marlene Dietrich: Il volo dell’angelo. La collezione Marlene Dietrich di Berlino)

29 May – 26 August 1996

De-Composition: Constructed Photography from Britain (British Waves: UK Today Exhibit: The New English Scene 2)
(La nuova scena inglese 2)

17 June – 8 July 1996

Paris Canaille: Paris and its Songs, 1860-1960
(Paris canaille: Parigi e la canzone 1860-1960

26 June – 14 July 1996

Hermann Nitsch : Das Orgien Mysterien Theatre
4 July – 19 August 1996

‘Gattabuismo’: Futurism, Dadaism and Surrealism Seen from Rebibbia
(Gattabuismo: Futurismo, Dadaismo e Surrealismo visti da Rebibbia)

11 July – 30 September 1996

Rome As A Work in Progress: Plans and Designs for Urban Renewal
(La Fabbrica di Roma: Piani e progetti per il rinnovamento urbano)

26 July – 26 August 1996

New Acquisitions and Donations to the City Museums: 1986-1996
(Acquisti e doni nei Musei Comunali: 1986-1996

11 September – 21 October 1996

The 12th Quadrennial: Italy, 1950-1990, The Latest Generations
(XII Quadriennale. Italia 1950-1990: Ultime generazioni)

25 September – 25 November 1996

His Residences: Teatro Valdoca – Cesare Ronconi: Video Installation, Guido Guidi: Photos
(Sue dimore: Teatro Valdoca – Cesare Ronconi: Installazione video – Guido Guidi – Foto)

2 – 7 October 1996

Mirella Bentivoglio: From the Word to the Symbol
(Mirella Bentivoglio: Dalla parola al simbolo)

10 – 28 October 1996

Memories of 20th-century Italian Literature: Writings, Images, Voices
(Memorie del ‘900 Letterario italiano: Scritture, immagini, voci)

30 October – 18 November 1996

Alberto Burri: Works 1945-1990
(Alberto Burri: Opere 1944-1995)

9 November – 15 January 1997

Dario Coletti: The Basaglia Law No. 180, Photographs
(Dario Coletti: 180 Basaglia, Fotografie)

2 – 9 November 1996

Mission: Childhood.: UNICEF: 50 Years on the Children’s Side
(Obiettivo Infanzia: UNICEF 50 anni dalla parte dei bambini)

5 December 1996 – 6 January 1997

Oh Divine Music: Songs and History in a Hundred Years of Italy
(Tu Musica Divina: Canzoni e storia in cento anni d’Italia)

19 December 1996 – 17 March 1997