Renato Mambor: the Observer and the Cultivations
(Renato Mambor: l’osservatore e le coltivazioni)

15 February – 12 March 1993

Dubrovnik: Fragments of an Enchantment
(Dubrovnik: frantumi di un incanto)

18 February – 7 March 1993

So All Roads Lead to Rome?
(Tutte le strade portano a Roma?)

11 March – 26 April 1993

Art and More: Young Artists 5
(Arte e altro: giovani artisti 5)

24 March – 25 April 1993

Consumption in Drawing, Drawing Consumed: Consumption Interpreted by Art, Advertising and Illustration
(Il consumo disegnato, il disegno consumato: arte, pubblicità e illustrazione interpretano il consumo)

28 April – 31 May 1993

Antique Dealers of the World: Second International Antiques Biennial
(Antiquari dal mondo: II Biennale Internazionale dell’Antiquariato)

8 – 23 May 1993

In Honour of Fakes: Moods and Trends in Costume Jewellery from the 1920s to the 1980s
(A onor del falso: umori e tendenze del bijoux dagli anni ’20 agli anni ’80)

4 June – 26 July 1993

Journey Through Italy: the Italian View in Russian Painting of the Nineteenth Century
(Viaggio in Italia: la veduta italiana nella pittura russa dell’800)

24 June – 30 August 1993

Exit: a Journey Through the USA of Enrico Bossan and Roberto Koch
(Exit: un viaggio negli Usa di Enrico Bossan e Roberto Koch)

1 July – 30 August 1993

Richard Meier and Frank Stella: Art and Architecture
(Richard Meier e Frank Stella: arte e architettura)

8 July – 30 August 1993

Derek Jarman: Queer
15 July – 2 August 1993

Gordan Lederer: Do You Remember … Sarajevo?
(Gordan Lederer: ti ricordi… Sarajevo?)

17 September – 11 October 1993

Antonio Donghi 1897-1963
23 September – 7 November 1993

Four Stars: Graphic Design in Europe
(Quattro Stelle: Graphic Design in Europa)

15 October – 22 November 1993

Wim Wenders: Photographs and “Stories”
(Wim Wenders: fotografie e “storie”)

21 October – 22 November 1993

There are Windows in Your Eyes: Homage to Ingebord Bachmann
(Dentro i tuoi occhi son finestre: omaggio a Ingebord Bachmann)

22 October – 22 November 1993

The Garden by the Lake at Villa Borghese: Roman Sculptures from the Classical to the Neoclassical
(Il giardino del Lago a Villa Borghese: sculture romane dal classico al neoclassico)

17 November 1993 – 31 January 1994

The Young Italian Cinema in the Photos by Fabio Lovino
(Il giovane cinema italiano nelle foto di Fabio Lovino)

1 – 12 December 1993

The American West: the Art of the American Frontier 1830-1920
(The American West: l’arte della frontiera americana 1830-1920)

11 December 1993 – 28 February 1994


January 1 > December 31, 1993
1993 1 January__31 December 1993

Renato Mambor: the Observer and the Cultivations
(Renato Mambor: l’osservatore e le coltivazioni)

15 February – 12 March 1993

Dubrovnik: Fragments of an Enchantment
(Dubrovnik: frantumi di un incanto)

18 February – 7 March 1993

So All Roads Lead to Rome?
(Tutte le strade portano a Roma?)

11 March – 26 April 1993

Art and More: Young Artists 5
(Arte e altro: giovani artisti 5)

24 March – 25 April 1993

Consumption in Drawing, Drawing Consumed: Consumption Interpreted by Art, Advertising and Illustration
(Il consumo disegnato, il disegno consumato: arte, pubblicità e illustrazione interpretano il consumo)

28 April – 31 May 1993

Antique Dealers of the World: Second International Antiques Biennial
(Antiquari dal mondo: II Biennale Internazionale dell’Antiquariato)

8 – 23 May 1993

In Honour of Fakes: Moods and Trends in Costume Jewellery from the 1920s to the 1980s
(A onor del falso: umori e tendenze del bijoux dagli anni ’20 agli anni ’80)

4 June – 26 July 1993

Journey Through Italy: the Italian View in Russian Painting of the Nineteenth Century
(Viaggio in Italia: la veduta italiana nella pittura russa dell’800)

24 June – 30 August 1993

Exit: a Journey Through the USA of Enrico Bossan and Roberto Koch
(Exit: un viaggio negli Usa di Enrico Bossan e Roberto Koch)

1 July – 30 August 1993

Richard Meier and Frank Stella: Art and Architecture
(Richard Meier e Frank Stella: arte e architettura)

8 July – 30 August 1993

Derek Jarman: Queer
15 July – 2 August 1993

Gordan Lederer: Do You Remember … Sarajevo?
(Gordan Lederer: ti ricordi… Sarajevo?)

17 September – 11 October 1993

Antonio Donghi 1897-1963
23 September – 7 November 1993

Four Stars: Graphic Design in Europe
(Quattro Stelle: Graphic Design in Europa)

15 October – 22 November 1993

Wim Wenders: Photographs and “Stories”
(Wim Wenders: fotografie e “storie”)

21 October – 22 November 1993

There are Windows in Your Eyes: Homage to Ingebord Bachmann
(Dentro i tuoi occhi son finestre: omaggio a Ingebord Bachmann)

22 October – 22 November 1993

The Garden by the Lake at Villa Borghese: Roman Sculptures from the Classical to the Neoclassical
(Il giardino del Lago a Villa Borghese: sculture romane dal classico al neoclassico)

17 November 1993 – 31 January 1994

The Young Italian Cinema in the Photos by Fabio Lovino
(Il giovane cinema italiano nelle foto di Fabio Lovino)

1 – 12 December 1993

The American West: the Art of the American Frontier 1830-1920
(The American West: l’arte della frontiera americana 1830-1920)

11 December 1993 – 28 February 1994