The Science Experience

12 January 11:30 am and 8:00 pm
Improvisation theatre show by I Bugiardini

Improvisation theatre show by I Bugiardini 

Improvisational theatre and scientific dissemination meet on stage to create a unique show. A person coming from the world of scientific research shares and talks about his professional and personal path accompanied by I Bugiardini, a company specialised in the art of going on stage without a script and building a performance in real time. A game based on free associations and inspirations will create a unique mixture, where the real world will meet, to merge and mix up, with the infinite scenarios offered by the other (im)possible worlds.


ADMISSION FREE WHILE PLACES LAST – RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. Reservations may be made on this website (Italian version) from 9.00 am on the day before the chosen performance until one hour before the performance is due to begin. If for any reason you are unable to come, please remember to cancel your reservation on the website so that someone else can book the place you’re freeing up. Please show up at least 10 minutes before the performance starts, otherwise your reservation will no longer be considered valid and your place will be given to the first person waiting in line at the entrance.

Palazzo Esposizioni Roma - Sala Auditorium

Admission via steps in via Milano 9a

Talks, scientific aperitifs, shows
The journey through the universe starts with you