Contemporary society is experiencing an impressive rate of scientific and technological development. The dizzying pace of this development calls for knowledge-sharing tools capable of addressing and clarifying highly specialised data to an ever wider public. The challenges our times are confronting us with, from the pandemic to the effects of climate change, require information that is rigorous but accessible and shared, tasking scientists, academics, communicators and journalists with a crucial role in the cultural development of our social system.
Marco Cattaneo, born in Milan in 1963 and graduated in physics, he has been a journalist since 1992 and director of National Geographic Italia, National Geographic Traveler, Le Scienze and Mind. He has collaborated with national and foreign newspapers both as a journalist and as a photographer, and is the author or co-author of several books on scientific and travel dissemination. He currently writes about science for Repubblica and has a science and environment column on Venerdì.
Marco Motta, after graduating in philosophy of science at the University of Padua and the Master in scientific journalism at SISSA in Trieste, in 2004 he joined the editorial staff of Radio3 Scienza, the scientific newspaper of Radio3 RAI that today conducts, investigating the relationship between science and society through interviews with the protagonists of scientific current affairs, paying special attention to the role of science in the cultural and political debate.
He has published numerous articles on topics of science, technology, environment and innovation in various newspapers, including L'Espresso, Il Manifesto, Sapere, Le Scienze. He was in charge of the coordination of the Master of Scientific Journalism of the La Sapienza University of Rome, holding courses in radio language and science on the radio.
Fabrizio Rufo is associate professor of Moral Philosophy at Sapienza University of Rome – Department of Environmental Biology, where he teaches Bioethics. His research mainly concerns the relationship between science and society. In 2017 he was co-curator of the exhibition Dna - The great book of life from Mendel to genomics. Among his latest publications: Etica in laboratorio (Donzelli, 2017); The code of life. A history of genetics between science and bioethics (Donzelli, 2017), together with Bernardino Fantini; Scientists, Politicians, Citizens (Ediesse, 2014). He has also edited the volumes: The democratic value of knowledge (Ediesse, 2019), Health is a right (Ediesse, 2020).
Lucia Votano, Physicist, is director of Research emeritus of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics. He deals with astroparticle physics, in particular the study of neutrinos. She worked in the Frascati Laboratory, at CERN in Geneva, at DESY in Germany, and finally at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory of which she was Director from 2009 to 2012. Among the protagonists of the direct discovery of neutrino oscillations with the OPERA experiment, he is currently participating in the JUNO project in southern China. She is co-author of about 300 scientific articles published in international journals. He has published two popular books: Il Fantasma dell'universo-Che cos'è il neutrino (Carocci, 2015) La via della seta. Physics from Enrico Fermi to China (Di Renzo 2018).
Entrance ticket to the exhibitions and the meeting: special rate of € 4.00, from 6.00pm, until places last
Palazzo delle Esposizioni - Rotonda
via Nazionale 194