It's easy to say Star - Natural or artificially created stars allow us to probe the most hidden Universe

13 march 2024 
With Roberto Ragazzoni, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Padova and Mauro Centrone, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Rome

Scientific aperitifs with Roberto Ragazzoni, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Padova and Mauro Centrone, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Rome

A two-voice dialogue to take stock of what happens in astrophysics research laboratories. An insight into some of the most advanced instruments that will allow us to reveal the mysteries of the Universe in the coming years: lenses, mirrors, lasers, antennas... What awaits us in the future? What are researchers building in their laboratories to help humanity answer open questions about the cosmos?


Admission free while places last

Caffè delle Esposizioni

via Nazionale 194a e via Milano 13

Talks, scientific aperitifs, shows
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