90% of the area inhabited by life is ocean, and life on dry land also depends on the ocean. Marine ecosystems and the biodiversity that allows them to function are very different from those on dry land. What are the most important animals and “plants” for the functioning of our planet’s ecosystems? What tangle of relationships develops in the ocean’s mass? How can we think of sustainably “managing” what we do not know? Ferdinando Boero, the President of the Dorhn Foundation, will help us come up with answers to those questions.
Admission free while places last. Reservations are recommended
Sala Auditorium - Palazzo Esposizioni Roma
Admission via steps in via Milano 9a
Reservations may be made on the Italian version of this page from 9:00 am on the day before the encounter until one hour before it is due to begin. If for any reason you are unable to come, please remember to cancel the reservation in your basket so that someone else can book the place you’re freeing up. You can still attend the encounter even without a reservation, while places last.