Eight years of gravitational waves - multimessenger astronomy, from LIGO-VIRGO to the Einstein Telescope

8 february 2024 
with Marica Branchesi, Gran Sasso Science Institute - GSSI, and Viviana Fafone, National Institute of Nuclear Physics - INFN

Talk with Marica Branchesi, Gran Sasso Science Institute - GSSI, and Viviana Fafone, National Institute of Nuclear Physics - INFN

It was February 11, 2016 when the news reached the whole world: we had observed the first signal of gravitational waves. A century after Einstein's predictions we were finally able to "touch" the existence of ripples in the space-time fabric, opening the doors to a new field of study: multi-messenger astronomy. Eight years after that historic announcement, we have discovered many things thanks to the interferometers of the LIGO-Virgo collaboration and we expect just as many from the Einstein Telescope, the soon-to-be-built detector.



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Palazzo Esposizioni Roma - Sala Auditorium

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