Education and photography

1 february 2020 
with Lorenza Bravetta, Jonathan Pierini, Giovanni Fiorentino and Stefano Graziani, moderated by Augusto Pieroni

Lorenza Bravetta, Jonathan Pierini, Giovanni Fiorentino and Stefano Graziani, moderated by Augusto Pieroni


Four experiences compared: the educational experience of the Academic Diploma Second Level in Photography from the Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche (ISIA), the IUAV postgraduate degree in photography from the Università IUAV in Venice, the summer school run by the Società Italiana per lo studio della fotografia (SISF) and the results of the MiBACT's strategic plan on the topics of education to imagery and of university and academic training.


Lorenza Bravetta is a consultant in the field of photography who currently works with the Fondazione MAST in Bologna. She was adviser to the Minister on the enhancement of our national photographic heritage at the MiBACT from January 2017 to June 2018, her task being to catalogue and coordinate activities in the field of photography in Italy and to draft a strategic development plan for the conservation and enhancement of heritage, contemporary creation, education to imagery, and university and academic training and education. She devised and, until September 2016, ran CAMERA - Centro Italiano per la Fotografia. She was Magnum Photos' Director for Continental Europe from 2011 to 2014.


Giovanni Fiorentino is Professor of Media Theories and Techniques and the Sociology of Consumption and Advertising, as well as Director of the Department of Humanistic Sciences, Communication and Tourism with the Università degli Studi della Tuscia. A member of the board of the Technological District for Cultural Assets and Activities (DTC Lazio), he is aslo President of the Società Italiana per lo Studio della Fotografia. He writes for Il Mattino and has published his work with Marsilio, Meltemi, Einaudi and Sellerio.


Stefano Graziani hovers on the border between photography, art and architecture. He has shown his work both in Italy and abroad, in cultural institutions such as the Fondazione Prada in Milan, the Venice Biennale and Manifesta; his work has entered such public and private collections as the CCA in Montreal, the Fondazione Prada, the MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo and the Fondazione Fotografia Moderna. He lectures in photography at Venice's Università IUAV and at the ISIA in Urbino and works with such architectural practices as Baukuh, Piovenefabi and Onsite in Milan, Christ & Gantenbein in Basel, Office KGDVS and 51N4E in Brussels, Kuehn Malvezzi in Berlin and the Studio Mumbai in Mumbai.


Jonathan Pierini has lectured in graphic design at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Bologna and is a tutor in type design at the ISIA in Urbino. He is currenrly working with the Università per Stranieri in Perugia on a research project on the rhetoric of the web. He works for the Dalton Maag studio on the design of typefaces for such customers as Nokia and Vodafone. He has been the Director of the ISIA in Urbino, where he lectures in typography and graphic production techniques, since September 2017. He is a member of the Progetto Grafico editorial staff and has been its Editor-in-Chief since 2018.


Augusto Pieroni is a contemporary art historian and critic, curator and essayist. A former lecturer in the history and criticism of photography at Roma-Sapienza and Viterbo Universities and at the Scuola Romana di Fotografia and IED moda, he currently teaches authorial photographic disciplines at the Officine Fotografiche, RUFA and DOOR. He devised and coordinates the postgraduate course in authorial photography entitled Firma Visiva at the Officine Fotografiche and the postgraduate Il Corpo Visivo course on nude photography at the DOOR.


Admission free while places last. Places for conversations, round tables and screenings will be assigned from one hour before the start of each event. Reservations may be made by membership card holders only. There will no further admission once the event has started.


Admission via steps in via Milano 9A