Curating and photography

2 february 2020 
with Matteo Balduzzi, Alessandro Dandini de Sylva, Mauro Zanchi, moderated by Emilia Giorgi

Matteo Balduzzi, Alessandro Dandini de Sylva, Mauro Zanchi, moderated by Emilia Giorgi


Three very different curating experiences all focusing on photography: as a work, as a narrative, as practical participation and as a reflection on language.


Matteo Balduzzi, who trained as an architect, is a curator in the field of public art and photography, which he sees primarily as a means for establishing relations between people, the environment and memory. He works stably with the Museo di Fotografia Contemporanea in Milano-Cinisello Balsamo, managing its calendar of events that revolves around the keywords collection, young people and community.

Alessandro Dandini de Sylva is an artist and curator. He has shown his work in public and private institutions, including the Flowers Gallery in London, the Humble Arts Foundation in New York, the Bund 33 Art Center in Shanghai and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Paris. He has been curator of the Rome FOTOGRAFIA Festival, at the Fondazione Pastificio Cerere in Rome and at the Fondazione Ermanno Casoli in Fabriano. He is Director of the Fondazione Malaspina and Curator of the Fondazione Pescheria Centro Arti Visive in Pesaro.

Emilia Giorgi is a curator of visual art and contemporary architecture. She has curated exhibitions and conferences for various institutions such as the Milan Triennale, the Centro Pecci in Prato, the MAXXI, the Istituto Centrale per la Grafica, the Fondazione VOLUME! and the Fondazione Pastificio Cerere in Rome, the Museo Marino Marini in Florence, and the IUAV and the Biennale in Venice. She writes for Italy's leading dailies and periodicals (Il Manifesto, Domus, Artribune, Icon Design, Abitare, La Repubblica). She is a member of the INARCH Lazio's board of directors.

Mauro Zanchi, a critic, essayist and curator, writes for Art e Dossier, Doppiozero and Atpdiary. He has been Director of the BACO (Base Arte Contemporanea Odierna) temporary museum in Bergamo since 2011. He has curated one-man shows for Luigi Ghirri, Mario Giacomelli, Guido van der Werve, Navid Nuur, Dan Rees, Daniel Knorr, Adrian Paci, David Adamo, Israel Lund, Francesco Arena, Alis & Filliol, Andrea Kvas, Irene Fenara and May Hands. Abitare il silenzio e Metafotografia. Dentro e oltre il medium nell'arte contemporanea are two of the more recent collective exhibitions held at the BACO in 2019. His essays and critical texts have appeared in a number of publications published by, among others, Giunti, Silvana Editoriale, Electa, Mousse, CURA, Skinnerboox, Moretti & Vitali and Corriere della Sera.


Admission free while places last. Places for conversations, round tables and screenings will be assigned from one hour before the start of each event. Reservations may be made by membership card holders only. There will no further admission once the event has started.


Admission via steps in via Milano 9A