Armando Massarenti and Mauro Dorato | Deciding in an undertain world

11 november 2021 

All that concerns us in our world is pervaded by uncertainty. Nothing can be affirmed with equal certainty. This is why Bertrand Russell correctly said that philosophy’s real task in the world today is to teach us to live without certainty but without being paralysed by hesitation. This task is not the prerogative of philosophy, and indeed concerns a constellation of disciplines which combine cognitive psychology with economics, ethics, rational decisions theory, Information Technology, the theory of games, data science and probability. Each of these areas of knowledge contains elements to help each one of us think with our own heads, equipping ourselves with a degree of critical thought which – today more than ever – is a requirement for training good citizens and good public decision-makers.

Armando Massarenti, philosopher and epistemologist.

Mauro Dorato, philosopher of science, professor at the University of Roma Tre. 


Entrance ticket to the exhibitions and the meeting: special rate of € 4.00, from 6.00pm, until places last

Palazzo delle Esposizioni - Rotonda

via Nazionale 194