Alessandra Carnaroli, Irene Santori, Sara Ventroni

8 march 2024 
Three women poets in the exhibition as a tribute to the painter who loved poetry

Carla Accardi always had a predilection for poetry. Together with poets, she conceived carefully curated editions (on display in the exhibition) and the titles of some of her paintings were taken from the verses of poems. Poetry suits the artist who gave meaning to rhythmically juxtaposed signs, who was never interested in narrative, literary or ideological developments in the artwork, only attracted by the marvellous power of visual invention.

For Internaitonal Women’s Day on March 8th, Alessandra Carnaroli, Irene Santori and Sara Ventroni will select – with no adherence to any specific theme – some of their poems and will read them in the rotunda of the Palazzo delle Esposizioni. Their verses will be amplified in the exhibition spaces, the sound caressing the artworks as a homage to the painter who so loved poetry. 

Image: Carla Accardi, Movenze notturne, 1991, vinylic on rough canvas, diptych, cm 190 x 285, i Cotroneo collection, Rome 
© Carla Accardi by SIAE 2024


Alessandra Carnaroli (born in Piagge in 1979) has published: a collection in 1° non singolo (sette poeti italiani) with a note by Aldo Nove (Oèdipus, 2006), Taglio intimo (Fara editore, 2001), Femminimondo, with a note by Tommaso Ottonieri (Polimata, 2011), Elsamatta, as part of the collection Syn. Scritture di ricerca run by Marco Giovenale (ikonaLíber, 2015), Primine, with a note by Andrea Cortellessa (edizioni del verri, 2017) Ex-voto, part of the Croma K collection run by Ivan Schiavone (Oèdipus, 2017), Sespersa, with a note by Helena Janeczek (Vydia editore, 2018), In caso di smarrimento / riportare a, with a preface by Silvia De March, (Il Canneto editore, 2019), Poesie con Katana (Miraggi Edizioni 2019) and 50 tentati suicidi più 50 oggetti contundenti (Einaudi 2021). La furia, (Solferino editore, 2023) is her debut novel.

Alessandra Carnaroli, photo Umberto Nicoletti


Irene Santori (born in Rome in 1973) is a poet, essayist and translator. Her publications include Jean Racine. Poesie Sacre: Cantiques Spirituels e Hymnes traduites du Bréviaire romain, introduction, translation and commentary (Olschki, 2008). She has published the poetical anthologies In tempo e disparte (Gazebo, 2006), Hotel Dieu, (Empiria, 2015, Premio Lorenzo Montano for an unpublished work, 2018), Il Libro dei Liquidi – The Book of Liquids (Aragno, 2021, finalist, in incomplete form, in the Premio Elio Pagliarani 2017, unpublished section). She has conceived and runs for Nino Aragno Editore the bilingual poetry collection Parallela, of which this latest publication is its first, and Parallela Album (an extra-format linking poetical texts with the visual arts). She is a writer and presenter for Radio3-Rai (Uomini e ProfetiVite che non sono la tua, Wikiradio). She has published essays on contemporary art criticism. She is president of the Archivio Vasco Bendini.
Irene Santori, photo Nicola Lettieri


Sara Ventroni (born in Rome in 1974) has published the play Salomè (No Reply, 2005); Nel Gasometro (Le Lettere, 2006, Premio Napoli 2007; translated into German with the Korrespondenzen publishers in Vienna with the title Im Gasometer); La sommersione (Aragno, 2016; Premio Trivio 2018); Le relazioni (Aragno, 2019). She has curated the translation of a selection of verses from Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass (Contengo moltitudini, Ponte alle Grazie 2020) and of Waste Land by T. S. Eliot (Ponte alle Grazie, 2022). She has been an editorialist for l’Unità and is among the founders of the women’s movement Se non ora, quando? Her poems have been translated into German, English, French, Spanish, Serbian, Croat, Hungarian, Finnish. She is currently Senior Research Fellow at ILIESI – Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e la Storia delle Idee (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche).
Sara Ventroni, photo Dino Ignani



Admission free with reservation

Palazzo Esposizioni Roma - Sale della mostra Carla Accardi

Admission via steps in via Milano 9a

Talks, meetings and poetry readings